Sunday, July 25, 2004

Will it ever end?

I don't think I will ever finish unpacking. It's been 8 days since I started, and I I think I have about 4 more days to go until everything is in it's place. I don't like unpacking, so it's very easy for me to get distracted and on to other things. As I am unpacking, I'm also doing lots of sorting. I realized that if I'm going to be moving a lot, I'm not going to want to pack and unpack things that aren't important to me. So if there's something you've had your eye on, let me know and I may be able to let it go. :)

As an update, I didn't ask anyone to the parade, I went alone, got rained on, took some pictures, walked a mile to my car, got lost in Uptown, and finally made it back to my comfee bed. I also got lost yesterday morning walking around my neighboorhood. It took me about an hour to find my way home. Story of my life.

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