Monday, June 27, 2005


Thunderstorms. Either you love 'em or you hate 'em. I'm in the first category. I love to sit and watch the rain coming down, hear the thunder and catch the occasional lightning bolt flash across the sky. I think they are great. I heart thunderstorms!

Sunday, June 26, 2005

The main reason why I did not become an ME

People often ask me why I became a chemical engineer. I give them the generic, "I was good at math and science and I liked chemistry in high school." But no one has ever asked me why I chose chemical over mechanical, and electrical. I think the following story sums it up nicely.

A few months ago my shredder stopped working. I started to pry the plastic cover off of it. I'm not sure what I was going to do once it was off though. I thought I would see a bad connection or something and fix it with my invisible sodering iron. At any rate, I couldn't get the cover off, so I gave up and just went out and bought a new one. I told Andy that he could have the broken one because he's way better at the whole mechanical thing. He's not that great at remembering to take things that are hidden in my closet, so needless to say, it's still here.

This morning I went to use my new shredder, and it wouldn't work. I tried a different outlet, and it still wouldn't work. So I took it off of it's little waste bin to see if there was anything stuck in the little shredder teeth. It was then that I noticed something. There is a little switch along the side which fit into a slide on the side of the waste bin. Kinda like the switch on a washing machine. I made sure the shredder was squarely on the waste bin, crossed my fingers, and turned it on. And wouldn't ya know.. it worked.

So I got the old on out of the closet, and did the same thing, and now it works. A little "cosmetic" damage, but still running well.

I should learn how to trouble shoot better. :)

Tuesday, June 21, 2005


As I was flipping through channels, I paused on Maury to see something I could not believe. There was a woman on with 65MM breasts. Now, it's no secret (even though I've tried to keep it one) that I am not a flat-chested girl, but 65MM!!! Each one of her breasts were the size of a basket ball! And she wasn't a big lady... she looked like she actually had a pretty small frame over all, but it's hard to see past all that boob! I just kept thinking to myself, How is she standing up straight???

Monday, June 20, 2005

I hate people

There's this guy at work who doesn't do anything. Literally, doesn't do anything. He's a union hourly worker who comes in at 4:30am even though he's not supposed to be there until 6:00am. Now, he gets paid for these extra 2 hours even though none of the other employees are paid before their shift starts. Why do you ask... because he imputs the electronic time cards. If that strikes you as wrong, it's because it is. And you may be saying to yourself, "What does he do for that extra hour and a half?" Simple. He sleeps. He sleeps from 4:30am until 6:00am and then again from about 9:00am until 11:00am, and then again from 3:00am to 4:00am. During the rest of the time, he's sitting outside smoking or playing slots on the computer and bitching about something. So why do they keep him around? I'm not sure. There are a few tasks that only he does, but that doesn't mean he should. He does the shift paper work which the supervisor should be doing, he does another report which the accountant should be doing, and he does the electronic time cards, again, something the supervisors should be doing. Why is he still around? That's because he's been there for 44 years and he's supposed to know everything. Truth is, he doesn't know jack shit. And I'm not saying that I know everything, but I do know that the only things he says is stuff that other people have said to him. Basically he's an overpaid parrot. How overpaid? $100,000/yr overpaid. I really wonder about this company sometimes

Thursday, June 16, 2005


So recently I've been staying in a lot of hotels. And I have to wonder... does anyone actually depend on the shampoo (and sometimes conditioner) that the hotel provides? I know that I usually just stick them in my bag, as a bonus, but I never actually use them. When I go on a trip, I make sure I bring my own. Maybe it's a girl thing. The idea that you are dedicated to one particular type of hair care products and you (and your hair) would feel extremely bad if you were to have a one-night stand with the sample-sized hotel version. Would hotels be better off leaving these items at the front desk and supplied on an "as-needed" biases? Or would then the customers feel cheated if they didn't have the 0.0005 oz of clean waiting in a small basket with the facial bar and a wash cloth?

Monday, June 13, 2005


So I haven't blogged in forever. I think it's due to the fact that I haven't slept in my own bed more than 5 times in the past 31 days. But I have to admit, traveling is interesting. Like yesterday, I had a flight attendant that spoke about 3 words per minute. Talk about annoying. Or like my flights to and from Philly that were delayed 4 hours... each. Damn weather. I do have one recommendation for everyone out there. When they ask for volunteers to take a later flight, do it, but not right way. I signed up to take a later flight and ended up on my original flight... but in first class. Hot Damn. Everyone should send me some love!