Thursday, October 12, 2006

Minor Setback

Andrew and I fired our real estate agent this week. It was messy. He didn't take it gracefully, and while I admit it was kinda abrupt, I still think that there is no need to badger us about it.

So it has put us at a minor set back on the buying process. We still haven't found a house yet but it's not for a lack of trying.

I was talking to a guy at work, and he said that when he bought his first house, he really wished there was truely someone out there for the buyer. And I think he has a vaild point. When you think about it, why would a buyer's agent help to talk down the price of the house, that's just money coming out of his/her pocket. But a true "buyer's agent" would be doing just that. We'll see how our next agent is.

Probably the best advice I've gotten about the house buying experience is that you have to be willing to walk away. If you're in negotiations and you're not getting what you want, just leave. I think that will be hard for me.

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