Monday, October 31, 2005

I don't know anyone at Duke

A random article that in no way relates to my life or anyone I know...

..."In relating the history of the troublesome house at 203 Watts St. On the Trinity Park listserv, Durham police officer Mark Gottlieb related an incident in which a resident of the home, Jason Matthews, met with three police officers on Oct. 5.

"[Matthews] stated he has been arrested four times now and cannot afford to keep going to jail," Gottlieb wrote. "He asked what could be done to decrease complaints from the neighbors and allow the residents to continue to enjoy a social life. We explained to him that people need to be respectful, clean up after themselves, keep the noise down, and not drink or urinate in public.

"It's a little surprising that someone smart enough to be a Duke student couldn't figure that out for himself. But we're sure it was a sincere request, and it sounds like the police officers gave some pretty direct and valuable advice. Did Matthews follow it?Nah.

Three days later, the police were called back to 203 Watts St. A party was taking place at which students were drinking, screaming, blasting music and urinating on neighbors' houses. When a neighbor objected to trash being thrown on her lawn, someone threw a beer bottle at her. It missed.

And what of Jason Matthews? Chalk up arrest number five. Maybe the next time he should write down those helpful hints and keep them handy. "...

Week's end
The Herald-Sun
Oct 15, 2005

I wonder if those 5 arrests also includes the arrest in Spain? Wait, this story is in no way related to my life or anyone I know...

Sunday, October 16, 2005


I am amazed at the number of exceptional people who have come out of Germany. Not that I have anything against Germans, they are lovely people, but the culture has put a great burden on those wanting to excel. My pet freshman called me earlier this week from this great country, and he informed me that instead of the American culture of addressing someone with their highest title, such as Dr. Morin, instead of Mr. Morin, they use all saluations. Say I were to go on to get my PhD in Chemical Engineering, obtain my PE, and go to teach at University of Berlin. I would then be addressed as Doctor Professor Engineer Sara. Actually, it would be more like Abstreichmesserin Professorin Chemikerin Sara... or something. Why would you want to put that type of burden on people. No one would ever want to talk to you for fear they would forget one of the titles!

Monday, October 10, 2005

Calling all Victoria's Secret professionals!

I was graciously given a 4-day weekend from my employer, so today, I spent in Chicago doing housewife-y things while Andrew was at work. I started my day with some laundry. I had brought some with me, and Andrew also had a lot to be done. I’ve informed the dear boy that I will not be doing his laundry again until he invests in a laundry basket. I lugged a HUGE canvas bag stuffed full of dirty clothes down to the laundry room, and nearly took out my shoulder. And then after washing, drying and folding all the nice clean clothes, I had to shove it all back into the bag to transport it back up to the ninth floor. While I was folding, I remembered an article I had read recently about organizing underwear drawers. The article basically said that once you organize your underroos, you can take over the world. I'm not sure how true this is, but it did bring up a question in my mind.

How many people actually fold their underwear?

Personally, I'm big fan of the splashes of color co-mingling with out barriers or chaperones, but the idea of a neatly organized drawer of undergarments intrigues me. While this may be TMI, I like my panties like I like my bras; cute, but full coverage. So this brings up an even more intriguing question.... How do you fold a thong?