Friday, December 29, 2006

Oh hated thing!

One thing I will never understand are those hideous e-mails that say you have to pass them on or something terrible will happen to you. I just got one that said that one person deleted it and her boyfriend was killed in an accident and one person didn't send it out to enough people and was hit by a car. Why would you send that on to someone? Why wouldn't you just keep that to yourself? Why would you spread bad karma? It's kinda like telling the world about Jesus. Somewhere in the Bible, it says that those who have never heard the word of God will not be punished because they are ignorant. So why would you go to a small village in Africa, tell everyone, and then get upset when they don't latch on to your religion? You've just sentenced them to eternity in hell when previously they may have spent their afterlife elsewhere. I know people like to "spread the good word" and that they are "sent by God" but at the same time, they are sentencing people to hell, or in the e-mail case, bad luck. If they want good fortune, they can seek it out themselves. Don't spam me with that crap!

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