Tuesday, December 16, 2003

E-mails... what a strange communication device...

So yesterday I got an e-mail from my mom. It didn't say anything about the manic depressive cat or the ghost that we have living in our house and listening to my brother's stereo. However, it was on a topic that has been rather popular recently... my car.

As soon as my sister got home from visiting me, her car died, so now she is driving mine. I'm kinda scared. Not so much because of my sister, but more so because of the other people on the road. My sister is a very conservative driver, and I'm afraid that one of those old ladies in those stupid holiday sweaters will try to run her down while pulling into the Target parking lot in order to get $5 off the Hokie Pokie Elmo. Sheesh!

I think today's e-mail was better though. I'll leave you now with the best excerpt:

"Alas, all is not lost. ThereƂ’s another function called rrefmovie that actually steps through the Gaussian elimination process with you, informing you of when a swap has taken place. I know it sounds kinky, but the function allows you to be a row swapping voyeur."

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