Wednesday, December 24, 2003

Holiday Shopping

So today, while shopping at Meijer, I was standing in an isle looking at tupperware because they had those cool little "Clearance" tags on the shelves.
While I was examining this tupperware and trying to figure out if it would fit in my flowered insulated lunch box, a mom with her four kids enter the isle. Naturally, I move my cart as close to the side as I could to allow her to pass. She decides that she's going to stand right behind me. I don't know if anyone knows how narrow the isles are at Meijer, but I'd say that they are only big enough for one cart... two side-by-side is pushing it. So I'm standing there trying to pick out this tupperware, and her kids are whining like none other. I don't understand why kids these days feel the need to talk. They should have their mouths stapled shut. At any rate, these whining brats start running into me, screaming, "Mommy, he touched me!" So to try to avoid this game of tag, I inch closer and closer to the tupperware shelf. Finally, I feel like I'm being arrested because I am completely against this wall of tupperware, not able to move at all from where I was standing because this stupid mother who hasn't realized the joys of a babysitter, has these stupid kids telling her that their tongue hurts. One lady looked down the isle and I tried to motion for help, but alas, in true holiday spirit, she ran away. And the mother didn't even say "Excuse me"

I recommend shopping on-line.

Oh, and my mom's purse was stolen from Wal-mart while she was checking out.

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