Tuesday, January 25, 2005

Comfort Food

This past weekend, I was hit with a pang of homesickness, so I decided to combat it with some good ol' fashion comfort foods. You know what I'm talking about... Those foods that your mom used to make all the time when you were young and at the time, they didn't seem like anything special, but now, after being out on your own (even if it's just at school and ARA dinner), you would give your pinky toe to come home one night to mom's meatloaf and brussel sprouts. So this weekend, I fired up the crockpot for a nice batch of ham and bean soup. If you're not from the mid-West (specifically Ohio), you may not be familiar with this classic wintertime dish. Traditionally, the bone from the Christmas ham is placed in a crockpot with some water, pinto beans, onions and enough brown sugar to make your teeth rot. It's then cooked initially for 8-10 hours, and after the first serving, it continues to be cooked until you finish it. And a must-have sidedish for this 5-ingredient wonder... cornbread! Crumbled up into the soup to absorb all the liquidie goodness.... hmmm...

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