Monday, February 27, 2006

The Merger

As many people know, the one thing about moving in with Andrew that I was dreading was the "merging of things." Both of us have very pack-rat like tendencies, and both of us have been living on our own for almost 2 years. This means that we now have 2 of everything. Two sofas, two chairs, two irons, two vacuum cleaners, two sets of silverware (one service for 8 and one service for 16), two sets of dishes, and the list continues.

In all of these duplicates, there are a few that I would like to point out as being exceptional:
4 containers of coarse ground black pepper
5 jars of creamy peanut butter
4 big bottles of vegetable oil, and one small one

I don't ask anymore.

Strangely enough, with all of these duplicates, we are still without a (real) dining room table.

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