Tuesday, February 21, 2006


Wow! Unpacking sucks! Especially while trying to fit all of my stuff in and around all of Andrew' stuff. He already has everything where he wants it, so I don't want to come in and just turn his whole apartment upside down! Yesterday was a good unpacking day. I thought I got a lot done, and emptied about 12 or so boxes. Today is another story. It's already noon, and I have to go to a physical thingie for the new job, and I've only unpacked 2 boxes and done 2 loads of laundry. I wanted to surprise Andrew with a half-way normal apartment for his birthday (that's right, send him some joy!), but the only thing he's going to get is a broken network. Yeah, I broke it. Not sure how, but "He's died." HAPPY BIRTHDAY ANDREW!

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