Friday, February 17, 2006

What? I don't have to work weekends anymore?

Last full day in Evansville, and I know the question on everyone's mind is, "Are you packed yet?"
Don't you people know me better than that?? Of course I'm not packed, sillies!

But just because I'm a procrastinator, doesn't mean that I'm not looking forward to moving. I'm looking forward to being re-connected with the world. For the past 6 months, my work schedule has not allowed for any type of social life. When I was awake and at home, everyone else was either at work or asleep. Talk about being cut off! And I'm also looking forward to not having to plan weekends to see the boy, and actually plan weekends to see friends!!! For everyone who hasn't heard from me since I moved to E-ville, I am alive, and I apologize for not keeping in touch!

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